ambient health

Our Services

Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy is a gentle and non-invasive form of body work that is capable of healing the entire body at all levels. It works on multiple levels within our body i.e.  the physical; the emotional; the chemical and the spiritual level. 


Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy are not magical states or forms of mind control, they are natural processes, which have been utilized for deep relaxation, inner guidance, healing and counselling since early human civilization. It is a natural phenomenon and each one go through this state several times a day particularly just before falling off to sleep and just prior to awakening.

The mind is divided into the conscious mind and subconscious mind. The conscious mind contains logic, rationalization, willpower, and short-term memory. 


Spiritual Healing

Whether you are looking for spiritual enlightenment or simply to reduce stress and enjoy a healthy life style, we have several alternate modalities that can help you heal on a spiritual level.


Vimla Rao and Deborah Germain have established a “Vibrant Therapies” a parent of various training platforms for Hypnotherapy and Bowen certifications at various levels.


Bowen Therapy

$80 per session


$130 per session

Scar Tissue Release

$80 per session

Spirit Release

$150 per session 

Past Life Regression Therapy

$150 per session 

Chakra Cleansing

$100 per session


$80 per session

OR $100 for 4 sessions


contact us for more info